Privacy Policy

Amecc understands the importance of keeping confidential the information that members or customers have trusted to provide us. Therefore, we are committed to using the best information security technologies to ensure that this information is not unintentionally retrieved, used or disclosed.

One of the most important information is the member's name, phone number, and email address. That's why we built this information security policy, in order to bring absolute safety, provide the best service with the core value of mutual trust.

With this privacy policy, members can completely use the service at Amecc without having to worry about any information security threats.

Amecc always complies with anti-spam email laws, emails with fake identities. Therefore, members only receive emails from us in case (a) when they register to receive our information (b) members buy, use Amecc's products/services or use other services. services of companies and partners related to Amecc.

1. Information collection
a/. How to collect:
- We collect personally identifiable information in the following ways:
+ Get information from member account registration at Amecc,
+ Through the information registration form placed on the homepage, on subpages or landing pages,
+ Through the history of transactions that customers have made on Amecc
+ Through promotions
+ Through events organized by Amecc that customers participate in
+ Through phone, email get information directly when we contact customers.

- Doing:
+ When a member registers for an account or registers personal information to participate in promotions and events, Amecc will send to the member's email address a link or code to activate the account, confirm receive registration. This ensures registration with your consent and that the registration information is correct.

b/. Information collected
- The personal information you may be asked to provide when registering with us includes: email, full name, contact phone number, address, gender, date of birth...

2. How to use the information collected
We use the collected information mainly for the following purposes:
+ Announce promotions, special offers; policy or learning content suitable for each member
+ Improve the quality of customer support,
+ Serve as a basis for settlement of arising complaints and disputes,
+ Prevent illegal activities.

3. Information Storage and Security
- We use information security measures to prevent loss, confusion or change of data in the system. Currently, Amecc protects information by using a secure domain name certificate (SSL) system, which encrypts customer input.
- Customer information is stored on the Amecc website system for 5 years for the purpose of taking care and providing related services.
- We are committed not to share, sell or rent personal information with anyone. Members' information sent to us is only managed by Amecc staff and used for the purpose of contacting or emailing to provide necessary information.
- We will send members' personal information to other companies or individuals in the following cases:
+ We have the consent of the member to disclose such information,
+ We need to disclose member information to provide member-related products or services,
+ We need to send such information to companies that act on our behalf to provide products or services to members,
We comply with subpoenas, court orders or legal proceedings,
+ We find that the actions of members on our websites are in violation of our usage guidelines for certain products or services.

4. Cancel receiving information
If you do not wish to receive email communications, please click the opt-out link in any email we send you. Or if you accidentally receive an unsolicited email from our system due to an unintended cause, please click on the link to refuse to receive the attached email, or notify it directly to the following email address:

5. Policy change
We may change the information on the website and the privacy policy. If we make significant changes to the way we use your personal information, we will notify you immediately.

Amecc's customer information privacy policy is only applied at Amecc. Does not include or involve other third parties. We recommend that you consult and distinguish clearly before confirming the relevant information.